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Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces And Feelings To Improve Communication And Emotional Life

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

c952371816 Ekman, P. (2003). Emotions revealed: Recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life. New York, NY, US: Times Books/Henry Holt. Scientific AmericanA renowned expert in nonverbal communication, Paul Ekman led a revolution in our . Emotions Revealed is a practical, mind-opening, and potentially life-changing exploration of science and self. c. . Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life. 7 Apr 2003 . Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life . A renowned expert in nonverbal communication, Paul Ekman has led a revolution in our scientific understanding of. Paul Ekman's books convey his curiosity and passion for understanding human emotion. Emotions Revealed explains how to repsond to the emotions shown by. If you read this book, you'll never look at other people in quite the same way again."--Malcolm Gladwell Renowned psychologist Paul Ekman explains the roots of our emotions--anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and happiness--and shows how they cascade across our faces, providing clear signals to those who can identify the . //emotions revealed recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life//

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